5000+ Courses

On cutting edge domains, Focussed on the most in-demand skills

2100+ Projects

Build Hands on learning skills thru the innovative guided projects

30+ Industry Certificates

Professional Certificates from top global companies to get job ready

220+ Credentials

Earn certificate from Top Global Universities and Companies

Programme Benefit for Students

Learn from Top Instructors

Stream-on-demand video lectures from leading universities and Companies Like Yale, Google, IBM and more

Gain Skills through Hands-On Learning

Learn in demand skill in data science, design, project management, and more in under two hours with Guided Project

Earn and Share Values certificate

Complete unlimited courses and earn certificates to showcase your new abilities

Courses Across Multiple Domains

2,100+ Projects

5,000+ Courses

190,000+ Lectures

500,000+ Assessment Questions








Assessment Questions

Learning on Coursera can Boost your Career

With Coursera for Campus, students across Universities & Institutions have benefited in career outcomes and get recognised for the skills they mastered


Full time students who took Coursera courses have experienced a career benefit


Professionals apply skills they learn in their job roles

Earn valuable certificates recognized by top companies. Share them on LinkedIn & Job portals