Coursera Enterprise Catalogue Summary


  • Leadership Management
  • Business Essentials
  • Finance
  • Business Strategy
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship

Computer Science

  • Software Development
  • Mobile and Web Development
  • Design and Product
  • Computer Security and Networks
  • Algorithms

Life Sciences

  • Basic Science
  • Public Health
  • Patient Care
  • Psychology
  • Health Informatics
  • Healthcare Management
  • Research
  • Nutrition
  • Animal Health

Information Technology

  • Cloud Computing
  • Security
  • Data Management
  • Networking
  • Support and Operations

Physical Science and Engineering

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Science and Sustainability
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Chemistry
  • Research Methods

Social Sciences

  • Education
  • Governance and Society
  • Economics
  • Law

Data Science

  • Data Analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Probability and Statistics

Arts and Humanities

  • Music and art
  • History
  • Philosophy

Language Learning

  • Learning English
  • Other Languages

Personal Development

  • Personal Development

Math and Logic

  • Math and Logic

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